
Dionysus 酒神─戴歐尼修斯
1.      Thebes was Dionysus’ own city. 底比斯是戴歐尼修斯的故鄉。
2.      Zeus snatched Semele’s child, hide it in his own side. 宙斯奪走施美樂肚子裡的孩子,並藏在他的體側。
3.      The God of the Wine born of fire and nursed rain. 葡萄酒神是由火裡出生,由雨水養大。
4.      The princess of Crete-Ariadne is his lover. 克里特的公主─亞莉阿德妮是他的愛人。
5.      He found his mother-Semele on underground, he defied the power of Death to keep her. Dionysus brought her away and took her up to Olympus. 他在陰間找到他的母親─施美樂,他向死神挑戰,要死神不留她,他把母親帶到奥林帕斯仙境。
6.      The God of Wine could be kind and beneficent. 酒神他有時和藹,有時卻很殘酷。
7.      He was man’s benefactor and he was man’s destroyer. 他是人類的大恩人,也是人類的破壞者。
8.      This double nature of wine and so of the god of wine. 酒本身就有雙重性格,酒神當然也如此。
9.      Like Persephone, Dionysus died with the coming of the cold. But he died and rose again. 向春神泊瑟芬一樣,戴歐尼修斯在寒天來臨時他就會死了。但他會死而復生。
10. He had still another side. He was the assurance that death does not end all. 他還有另一面,他擔保死亡不是一切的終點。
Prometheus 先知─普羅米修斯
    Prometheus, whose name means forethought, was very wise, wiser even than the gods. 他的名字是「先慮」的意思,他很賢明,甚至比眾神都賢明。
1.      Prometheus had stolen fire for men. 普羅米修斯偷火給人類使用。
Epimetheus 後知─伊比米修斯
    Epimetheus. Which means afterthought, was a scatterbrained person who invariably followed his first impulse and then changed his mind. 他名字的意思是「後見之明」,他生性浮躁,總是衝動行事,然後改變主意。
1.      Pandora was his wife. 潘朵拉是他的妻子。
2.      Pandora was possessed of a lively curiosity. She had to know what was in the box.潘朵拉好奇的想知道箱子的東西。
3.      Hope-is the only good thing in box. 希望是箱子裡面唯一的吉物。
Hercules 大力士─赫丘力/海克力斯
1.      The greatest hero of Greece was Hercules. 希臘最偉大的英雄是赫丘力。
2.      Hercules was the strongest man on earth. 他是世界上最強壯的人。
3.      Hercules had this perfect confidence that on matter who was against him he cold never be defeated. 他一生堅信無論誰對抗他,他都不會失敗。
4.      Princess Megara is his wife. Hera made Hercules madness, he killed his children and Megara, too. 美拉加公主是他的妻子,赫拉讓他發狂,讓他殺了他的孩子跟美拉加。
5.      Eurystheus gave him to do are called” the Labors of Hercules.” There were twelve of them. 尤里士修斯給他的任務叫「赫丘力的苦差」,一共有十二項。
(1)   The first was to kill the lion of Nemea, a beast no weapons could wound. 第一件事是殺刀槍不入的「奈米亞之獅」。
※Hercules solved by choking the life out of him. 赫丘力把牠勒死。
(2)   The second labor was to go to Lerna and kill a creature with nine heads called the Hydra which lived in a swamp there. 第二件是到勒拿地區殺一條住在沼澤的九頭蛇。
※His nephew Iolaus who brought him a burning brand with which he seared the neck as he cut each head off. 他的姪兒愛歐勞斯帶來一堆滾燙的烙鐵,當他把蛇的脖子砍下時把脖子弄焦。
(3) The third labor was to bring back alive a stag with horns of gold, sacred to Artemis, which lived in the forests of Cerynitia. 第三件是活捉一頭供奉給阿蒂蜜斯,住在希瑞尼夏森林的金角公鹿。
※He hunted it a whole year before he succeeded. 他追獵牠一整年才成功。
(4) The fourth labor was to capture a great boar which had its lair on Mount Erymanthus. 第四件是捉一頭住在厄瑞曼色斯山的大野豬。
(5) The fifth labor was to clean the Augean stables in a single day. 第五件是在一天之內清洗奥吉斯牛棚
(6) The sixth labor was to drive away the Stymphalian birds, which were a plague to the people of Stymphalus because of their enormous numbers. 第六件是趕走史泰姆法勒斯為數眾多且十分擾人的鳥類。
(7) The seventh labor was to go to Crete and fetch from there the beautiful savage bull that Poseidon had given Minos. 第七件是到克里特島去帶回波賽頓送給麥諾斯的漂亮公牛。
(8) The eighth labor was to get the man-eating mares of King Diomedes of Thrace. 第八件是帶回色雷斯國王戴歐米德斯的食人馬。
(9) The ninth labor was to bring back the girdle of Hippolyta, the Queen of the Amazons. 第九件是帶回亞馬遜女王喜波莉妲的腰帶。
(10) The tenth labor was bring back the cattle of Geryon, who was a monster with three bodies living on Erythia, a western island. 第十件是到西方的厄瑞席亞島去帶回一位三體怪物傑揚養的牛。
(11) The eleventh labor was the most difficult of all so far. It was to bring back the Golden Apples of the Hesperides. 第十一件比之前的工作更困難,就是帶回禧絲柏瑞妲絲的金蘋果。
(12) The twelfth labor was the worst of all. It took him down to the lower world, and it was then that he freed Theseus frm the Chair of Forgetfulness. His task was to bring Cerberus, the three-headed dog. 第十二件最難,他必須下地獄,而他就是在那時候把鐵修斯帶離遺忘椅,他的任務是到陰間帶回三個腦袋的地獄犬。

6. He was taken to heaven, where he was reconciled to Hera and married her daughter Hebe. 最後他上了天庭,跟赫拉和解了,並且娶了她的女兒希碧。

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